Rebekka Seale

If were a famous artist?

Either Barbara Hepworth or Helen Frankenthaler.

If I were an art type/medium?

Collage! Because I like to switch back and forth between so many different mediums, a mixed-media collage would best represent me.

If I were a museum?

The National Archaeological Museum in Naples. I've always had a deep obsession with ancient Roman, Greek and Etruscan artifacts, as well as with Pompeii and Herculaneum.

If I were a color?

Beige. That's boring. But honest!

If I were a book?

The Member of the Wedding, by Carson McCullers. It perfectly captures the adventure and awkwardness of my childhood in the deep American South.

Another city I could live in..

Why, Paris, of course!

If I wasn't an artist I'd be...

A poet or novelist. Possibly an archaeologist.

Miracolo for me in three words is

Curiosity. Communication. Alchemy.